Every individual working in our children’s ministry is given a background check, trained in recognizing abuse & held to a high standard of conduct to ensure that they have the child’s best interest at heart.
Sunday School classes start at 9:30 AM Nursery (0-3): Our nursery is staffed with loving people, committed to your child’s well-being. Our nursery is equipped with a private area for nursing mothers.
4 - 12 years old: Children in this age group are taught to have an appreciation for God’s Word. In these classes they are taught biblical character traits & truths through age-appropriate lessons & curriculum.
13 - 19 years old: Our Youth Ministry is geared to encourage young people to develop a personal relationship with the Lord. We have a committed Youth Staff who loves teenagers & wants to see God’s best for their lives.
College & Career: This class is designed for young singles who are either in college or are working in their career. Our goal is to provide biblical instruction & fellowship to encourage them to follow God’s will.
Young Married: The Young Married class meets in the Fellowship Hall. The goal of this class is to build strong marriages through Bible teaching & fellowship. The teaching is focused on understanding God’s view & plan for the home.
Adult Sunday School: This class meets in the main auditorium & focuses on teaching doctrinal truth with practical application.